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Home » Industries We Focus » Oil & Gas
Oil Gas Recruitment
There is a major contribution of Oil and Gas Industry in the economic development globally. The industry is a compelling and sophisticated business. It not only supplies two thirds of the world's energy but drives the global economy.

WEMA always focus on providing the most efficient professionals. Our meticulous recruitment processes ensure that proper screening and validation checks are done before any candidates are sent to the clients. We seek to establish a long term and strategic partnership with our clients and be a partner by choice. We have a expansive data base for some of the following positions:
Production Seismologist
Senior Production Manager
Reservoir Engineering
Drilling Engineering
Pipeline Engineering
Project Engineering
Design Engineering
Senior Geophysicist
Petroleum Engineering
Senior Reservoir Engineer
Facilities/Surface Engineering
Material Corrosion Engineering
Contracts Engineering
Many other professionals for Commercial/Sales/Marketing/Business Development
Downstream, Upstream, EPC, HSE, Operations Technologist, Refinery Designing etc.
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